Akiva's Blog

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Where have you been all my life?

In which Akiva finds love in a supermarket.

No, no, no,

Don't worry I did not escape my asexual ways and decide to actually give dating a chance. There is no lucky girl in my life yet. But I AM in love. And the lucky girl's name is Fortino's.

You see...In my old apartment I pretty much only stuck to one grocery store ever, Dominions. It was close, had a decent Kosher aisle (yes...they actually have those in this city), and best of all it was open 24 hours. I can't even count the amount of times I went there at 3 in the morning to do my shopping. I even knew the night staff by name.

Anyways...I kept going there for the past two weeks , even though it is quite a bit farther from my new apartment. Then My roomate's friend mentions that there is a Fortino's in the big mall RIGHT beside my house. So I says to him, I says, "Wazzat?" and he tells me it is a supermarket. And it has a kosher aisle...and did I mention it is RIGHT beside my house.

So I went there today and it was heaven. Everything was so much cheaper than Dominions, they had everything in stock. They have a way bigger Kosher aisle, but most importantly they have PRESIDENTS CHOICE SALSA. Now...for those of you who don't know, I am literally addicted to this stuff. I eat a jar of it a day in the summer. Not an exaggeration. Literally. Ask my family. It's sick. But the proble is there wasn't a supermarket near my house that carried it. OR SO I THOUGHT. I pretty much have found fulfillment in my life.

Anyways...I just thought I'd throw that out there.

So School... BEST SEMESTER EVER (wow...I'm going a bit overboard with the caplocks). There is not one class that I dont love. That is a first since well before high school. I literally love all my classes.

My English class is all about Sex and Gender, and how our perceptions of love, sex, gender, masculinity, feminity, sexuality and such things have changed through time and cultures. It'll be really interesting, and my prof is good and I have a few friends in that class.

My Costume Design class is AMAZING. My favourite prof, Tanit, teaches it and we are reading through three scripts (As You Like It, Caroline or Change, and 6 Characters in Search of and Author) and we choose which one we wanna focus on, and then we analyze the shit out of each script, write in depth character analysis for every single characters (minimum 20), then do abstract collages that represesnt each character, then do final renderings. Essentially we will leave having designed an entire show. I look forward most to all of us in our small class (VERY small...like 10 people) debating and ripping apart each character.

My Scenic Painting class is so much fun. It reminds me of high school art, but way more intense. I just worry that I will miss too much with High Holy Days. Did I mention it's another Tanit class. Yup...two Tanit classes at once...intense.

My Directing class is pretty awesome. So far it just seems to be a very diverse small group of techies, actors and a dancer just debating what exactly theatre is, and what it should be and what we can make it. It gets pretty awesome. And I think it is very self-driven and we can pretty much try anything we want and make up our own projects. And the Prof is pretty funny.

And my Marketing class is really weird, but enjoyable. It is a HUGE class...like well over 400, maybe close to 500. We are in a huge theatre-type classroom, with seats that are WAY too comfertable for our own good. Many naps will be taken, that I assure you. The class seems pretty common sense, if not a bit greasy and sleazy. I love how in business every things has Acronyms and Charts. We'll see how this goes though.

Anyways...English tutorial tomorrow morning, bright and early, then some meetings for my show.

Later Skaters,


Listening to: Damien Rice's "Delicate"