Akiva's Blog

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Annie Get Your Freak On


Here is the post that I have been avoiding all summer because I wasn't sure how to apporach the subject because it is so near an dear to my heart. Summerstock has been a huge part of my life for the past three summers and the thought of me leaving it leaves me in tears, and I am not so much the crying type.

When I came into the program three years go, during "Guys and Dolls", it was as a Set Designer. Evan had told me about a great program that he was involved in and invited me to come talk to Jim about it and I sold my design to him. Then they needed someone who could sing the opening number and play Rusty Charlie, and I stepped up to the plate I guess. It was a great summer and I met some of the most amazing people ever. I came out of my shy-ish shell (I know...hard to beleive I was ever that way), and it was great.

The came Fiddler. Motel was my favourite role ever to play. He is so much a part of me. I still miss him. I remember the exact moment I found that character. It was in the gym and I was trying out walks. I turned my feet in, and slouched my neck and BAM...there he was. It was such a rewarding experience to embody a character so fully. I still find myself taking my body over whe nobosy is around.

Then there was"Annie Get Your Gun". I was very bored with the character of Tommy Keeler when I first read the script. Although he had songs, he was a fairly boring character. By the time show came around, however, I had made him part of me and given him a fun-loving goofy side, that although wasn't in the script, was definitely in me. Me and Collen had a blast up there every night and although we fight and make fun of each other a lot, she is a great friend of mine and that chemistry was apparent onstage every night. Keith was great and showed me the ropes and let there not be ego involved. Kayla was so fun to rehearse with, down at the Plaza .

It was also fun to see some of the people that had been shy juniors a few years ago blossom into great performers as understudies or lead, and it was great to see old faces return as leads. But by and large this show was Rielle's show and every friend that went to see the show walked away raving about her. It will be fun to say I knew her back when.

Retiring from acting is a strange thing. It has been a passion for so long (My mom found a year book from when I was five, last week, and I was quoted as saying my favourite thing was "doing plays"...) But I think it is time to move on and focus more on designing and directing. Hopefully my acting will help a lot with both those things and make me much more aware of the other aspects. But it has been a great run and I am proud of my growth as a person and performer that acting has allowed me.

I am off to Toronto soon, so I just want to say goodbye to those that made this summer so great. I am pretty sure you all know who you are, so I wont name names at the risk of excluding anyone. Thank you for being patient with my immaturity and embracing me for who i am. I love you and will miss you so much.

Your faithful and grateful friend,
