Akiva's Blog

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

First Blog...(that sounds dirty for some reason)

Howdy all,

So...I have decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon. I figure it's a good way to spend the time that my insomnia allows me.

So...It was just my 20th birthday on Monday (June 6th). I had a little get together at the Point. I was SOO happy with the turn-out, considering last year EVERYBODY cancelled. It was just nice to see all those fimiliar faces there, although i feel bad that I didn't get a chance to really talk to everyone, due to lack of space and stuff. I would have honestly loved to have heart-to-hearts with everyone there, and see what was going on in their lives.

I found myself spouting those stupid typical "So what are you doing these days?" "So how's school/work?" questions. What I really wanted to know was "How have you changed as a person since last we spoke?" and "Tell me some cool things that happened to you this year."

As far as where I am right now in my life, I am in a pretty good place I think. This year was a really great year. I designed the set for Mass Exodus: Metro, Canaada's biggest fashion show and that was a life-changing experience. It let me prove myself, not only to others, but to myself. I am now pretty confident that I could be happy doing this for the rest of my life.

I think I will leave some more thoughts for later posts so i dont run myself dry...but I will leave you with some favourite photos from the fashion show.

Peace Out,


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